Friday, March 28, 2008

Butterfly Farm, Penang 22 March

only to go outside and meet this giant beetle! not real but looks it..

At the end of the visit of the farm, Chad is actually very happy we were almost done,
he no like the fluttering creatures.

i've grown wings!! i hear they like to stick to sweet people..wellll what more can i say :-)

We braved the fluttering creatures in the farm, they are quite a sight tho, the pretty uffufy (Luke speak) fluttering all over the fower and futs (fruits (Luke speak..again)...see how close we got to them?...NOT!

Congrats to the newlyweds, Julita and Adibi

Group picture taken at the wedding dinner at City Bayview Hotel, Penang 23 March.
Yo Lexis! Looking so macho man!

Monday, March 3, 2008

the spoils of war

tourism Sarawak should get in touch with my parents' shopping prowess and my layout talent :D more pictures to follow once dad uploads his pictures (if that's okay with everyone).