Wednesday, January 14, 2009

good stuff if you can get it

happy new year everyone! i found this while cleaning house - The Future of The Dayak Bidayuhs in Malaysia by Peter Minos (2000). my mum said he was an MP at one point but i'm surely too young to remember that.

anyway, the last passage of the preface may be especially interesting to those of you planning a tertiary education:

... i pledge and undertake that ten percent (10%) of... proceeds (if any) will be given... to all Bidayuh graduates who pass their degrees with First Class Honours and Second Class Upper Honours in any academic discipline from any recognised university, locally or overseas. ... contact me at P.O. Box 2502, 93750, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, submitting certified copies of their degree certificates, full postal addresses and other relevant details.

as to the book itself, i'm only on page 36, and Mr. Minos has already lost me on the political differences among the Bidayuh. to him, can only mean exploitation and disenfranchisement of a noble people, presumably.


Silin said...

Hi angela,
how was your New year. may all the things you wish yourself this year will come true. may the power be with you.that book was given by uncle james to your dad.i read some part of the book. he seemed to repeat himself tho worded in different ways.

Angela Gripesalot said...

happy new year to you too! mine was quiet. everything's quiet here. the more i read that book, the more it seems like an extended promo for BN, which is too late for them as far as KT is concerned HAHAHA.

WilliamPnojey said...

Angela, he never made it MP. Got beaten each time he tried. Tries to portray himself as a Bidayuh champion, without much success, I'm afraid.