Monday, July 6, 2009

Labuan trip


Silin said...

let us know what you and family doing in Labuan. You can write text to pictures

alice nojey said...

wah..takar ingan tod Melissa to the college yeh? natong ku nyam odopnye molot ITM no'uh eh. ogi yeh email address melissa neh?

Let said...

nice, family pictures..

WilliamPnojey said...

Melissa was accepted into Labuan Matriculation College and we took the opportunity to go there. We went on 9 May 2009, and stayed 2 nights. The weather was hot and dry, no rain while we were there. Rented a car and drove around the island, covered it in lest than an hour. Wouldn't recommend it as a vacation destination, not much to look at and choice of food is rather limited and not too tasty.